Yesterday my father-in-law and I went to the mass celebrating the 140th anniversary of Most Holy Name of Jesus parish, and the 125th anniversary of St. Anthony's Chapel in Troy Hill. The old neighborhoods there are so rich with the ethnic diversity that is characteristic of Pittsburgh! The church itself is beautiful, St. Anthony's Chapel is breathtaking. If you've never been there, it's worth a trip. Tucked inside the little chapel are more than 5,000 religious relics that have come from all over the world...tiny pieces from Jesus' cross, bones and pieces of clothing from apostles and saints....the only place you'd find a larger collection of religious relics is at the Vatican in Rome! The chapel has a long history as a holy and healing place.
Bishop David Zubick was there with parish priests and deacons to celebrate the Mass, and to officially welcome the newest relic: a tiny piece of bone from St. Christina that was found in a family home in Paris.
The mass and ceremony were powerful and inspirational; and were strong reminders that when you're feeling like things are out of control, you can quickly bring balance by tapping into the power of prayer.
Two women known as the Angel Ladies, Eileen and Charlotte, have strong ties to St. Anthony's. We got to spend the morning with them. They are based in Pittsburgh but travel to people around the country helping people to connect with their spiritual side. The Angel Ladies believe that we all have angels around us to guide us and protect us. They believe that we all have the ability to communicate with our angels to tell them exactly what we need.
Here's how Charlotte says to get started:
The Angel Ladies say over the years, they have seen incredible blessings come to those who do communicate with their angels:
Recent studies show that people who pray and go to church regularly are healthier all the way around.